Introductions and Welcome

Welcome to my head! Or at least the extension of it that will be leaked out upon the beast better known as the Internet.

My name is Michael Lavender. I’ve been writing for more years than I care to think about, both as a source of income in a variety of technical fields, and as a passion in the realm of storytelling. I don’t fancy myself an author, nor do I think I’ve managed to capture the kind of lightning in a jar that results in a Hemingway or a Stephen King. Not by any means.

I tell stories.

Some are lightweight and easy on the palate. Others are heavier and may be harder to consume. But, I hope all will find an audience.

As things start to launch, this site will grow and will include news, updates, short stories, random thoughts, and just about anything else that crosses my mind about writing, life, or whatever demented bit of something that happens to enter my head on a given day.

I saw a quote once that (paraphrased) said that making art is creating, and then staring at what you created until you hate it. I find that to pretty readily define the editing process.

I’ve stared at enough of my work for well past long enough.

It’s time to gut up and let other eyes have at it.

Hopefully you, the reader, will find one of my worlds to your liking.

I can be reached for any questions or comments here, or in the Links under the Contact tab.

So, as this big black truck pulls up to you at the curb, thank you for opening the truck door. Hopefully, you’ll come along for the ride.


– ML

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